Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Star Wars Storyboards

That almost rhymes... This is a project I did just before christmas. It was part of a storyboarding class I took, thought by the inspirational Tom Galvin.
We were given a few extracts from different script, we had to storyboard one, I chose Star Wars of course.

Click an image for a larger view.

 (and yes this is what the characters looked like before Lucas re-released it.. true story)


  1. Really awesome work Adam, I presume you did this in flash? masterful!

  2. PS: you might look into your header, when I click it I don't go back to the main blog.

    1. Cheers Dave, yeah did this in flash. That's the layout format I have, the link to the main page is in the header text but I got rid of the text and put in my own. There's a button on the footer of each page that will take you to the main page.
